Cours de chinois des affaires en ligne

Améliorez vos compétences linguistiques en chinois des affaires depuis votre domicile

Business Chinese communication class

Modulo propose des cours en ligne pour toute compétence en chinois des affaires. Que vous soyez débutant ou avancé, nous avons le programme qu’il vous faut.

Other options :

Business Chinese language online courses for all levels

How it works

5 easy steps to language success

We take care of you from the beginning to the end.

  1. You tell us what you want to achieve
  2. Our teachers assess your current skills online
  3. We set personalized objectives with you
  4. Modulo Live creates a custom learning experience
  5. You study a course to maximize your progress from the comfort of home

Meet our language advisors and teachers in our virtual classrooms, and they will help you find the best way to achieve your language goals!

Online courses offered

Take control of your career

Modulo Live offers a wide range of quality Chinese courses for business owners, managers and employees alike.

We can help you with:

  • General business Chinese : all you need to take it to the next level.
  • Business Chinese skills : emails, presentations, meetings, reports and more.
  • Chinese for Industries : aviation, finance, pharmaceutical, telecoms, etc.
  • Chinese for Roles : accounting, customer care, sales, HR, and many others.

Our expert language advisors will help you choose or combine the best content to match your exact needs. Your custom course, your success.


Nat, Business Chinese

Modulo Language School

" Study with Modulo is the best & fastest
way for me to improve my Chinese. "

Wallapa, Business Chinese

Modulo Language School

" I’ve been studying for 8 months.
I’m more confident when talking to customers. "

Choat, Business Chinese

Modulo Language School

" I personally recommend this course.
It prooves me that no one is too old to learn. "

Some of our partners

Chinese courses for success in the 21st century

Modulo Corporate helps many Thai and international companies achieve their language goals.

Learn more about our B2B services: